Cleanroom environment monitoring

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What is a cleanroom?

A cleanroom is an environment in which modern manufacturing and industrial facilities produce various products . Such facilities typically have an extreme high cleanliness level, aiming at very low levels of particulates (i.e. dust, airborne organisms or vaporized particles). The constant rise of the quality standards, which the customers, partners and stakeholders are demanding, requires higher cleanliness standards. This results in the need for cleanroom monitoring.

What is an air quality standard for cleanrooms?

The compliant standard for cleanrooms’ design and building is ISO 14644. It specifies the classification of air cleanliness in terms of the concentration of airborne particles in such environments. More specifically, the standard ranges from ISO 3 (extremely clean, no contamination) to ISO 8 (the lowest level).

Production managers set a clear and fixed minimum air quality standard needed for their production processes. It is mandatory and relates to the maximum amount of particles in the air, defined by the above mentioned standard. ISO 7 is often used as a minimum level of cleanliness to be achieved in manufacturing areas. In order to achieve these standards, InsightAir has an in-house monitoring service.

How is InsightAir's Air Quality as a Service applied in cleanrooms?

The aim of InsightAir is to help its cleanroom partners to gain a continuous real-time insight of the air quality. By doing so, crucial decisions and changes can be executed on time and thus avoiding exceeding the maximum allowed particle concentrations.

InsightAir offers a unique air quality sensor network by installing several particle counters continuously monitoring the number of air particles,. This Cleanroom Monitor visualizes the air quality on an online dashboard, designed and customized to the needs of each production company. The historical data is saved to InsightAir’s cloud server, allowing easy reporting and retrospective analysis of the air quality. Alerts are sent through e-mail or SMS, when certain maximum particle concentrations are exceeded.

What are the advantages of the Air Quality as a Service by InsightAir?

The initiation of our Air Quality as a Service in a cleanroom environment has multiple benefits. As already mentioned, while monitoring permanently the air quality, we manage to recognize trendings and in doing so we are able to avoid exceeding the maximum allowed particle concentrations.Further, a proper insight in the air quality results in higher quality output and less fall-out during the production processes. Moreover, the data generated by our sensors can be deployed for choosing the right types of air purification systems in order to improve the air quality even more.With more than 15 years of experience, InsightAir has a broad experience with different air cleaning technologies such as mechanical filtration, ionization, electrostatic precipitation, photocatalysis and chemisorption. InsightAir networks ensure you will meet your project requirements and even exceed your customer’s expectations for product quality.

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